How To Make Oobleck – 5 Simple Recipes

Get ready for some messy, squishy fun because we’re talking about Oobleck! If you’ve never heard of it before, Oobleck is a magical substance that’s commonly made with just two ingredients: cornstarch and water. Mix them together, and you’ll create a slimy, bouncy, and downright delightful concoction. So, why is it so fun to make Oobleck? For starters, it’s a sensory experience like no other. The texture of the Oobleck feels almost alive as it oozes and drips through your fingers. Plus, you can experiment with different colors and add-ins to make it even more exciting. The reason it’s so fun to make oobleck is because of its unique properties. When you try to pick it up or squeeze it, it feels hard and solid. But the moment you stop applying pressure, it turns back into a liquid and drips out of your hand. It’s like having your own personal science experiment right in your hands! Oobleck is also known as a non-Newtonian fluid, which means it can behave like both a solid and a liquid depending on how you interact with it. You can roll it into a ball, squeeze it into a shape, or even run across it without sinking!

5 Easy Recipes To Make Oobleck

Kids and adults love making oobleck because it’s a great way to learn about science while having fun. So next time you’re looking for a fun and educational activity to do with your kiddos, grab some cornstarch and water and start making some oobleck! But is that it? No, we have 5 simple and easy recipes to make oobleck that you can try easily at home. So keep on reading the article and grab the materials to make oobleck at home.

Lets Start

1. Oobleck Recipe Using Cornstarch

Engaging in fun activities with your kids is not only a great way to spend quality time together, but it can also help stimulate their creativity and learning. One such activity that is sure to capture their attention is making oobleck using cornstarch. This simple recipe requires just a few ingredients and can provide hours of entertainment.

To make oobleck, you’ll need the following:

– 1 cups of cornstarch (75gm)

– Food coloring (optional)

– Water (50-60 ml)

Time Required-

5-10 minutes

How to make Oobleck Recipe Using Cornstarch ?

The first step is to gather all your ingredients and equipment. Ensure that you have a large mixing bowl and a spoon for stirring. It is also a good idea to protect your work surface with a plastic tablecloth or newspapers, as oobleck can be messy.

Next, combine the cornstarch and water in the mixing bowl. Stir the mixture well, ensuring that there are no lumps. If desired, you can add a few drops of food coloring to give your oobleck a vibrant hue.

As you stir the cornstarch and water, you will notice that the mixture becomes thicker and more difficult to stir. This is because oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid, meaning its viscosity changes depending on the force applied to it. If you press down quickly on the mixture, it will feel hard and solid. But if you hold it in your hand and apply gentle pressure, it will flow like a liquid.

Encourage your child to explore the properties of oobleck by picking it up and letting it run through their fingers. They can squeeze it into a ball and watch as it slowly melts back into the bowl. This hands-on experience will help them understand the concepts of viscosity and the states of matter.

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2. Oobleck Recipe With Arrowroot Flour

If you are wondering about how to make oobleck without cornstarch, then we have the answer for you. Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid that can be made using various ingredients, including arrowroot flour. Arrowroot flour is a starchy substance that is derived from the tuberous root of the arrowroot plant. It is often used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking.

To make oobleck using arrowroot flour, you will need the following ingredients:

– 1 cup of arrowroot flour

– 1 to 2 cups of water (adjust as needed for desired consistency)

– Food coloring (optional)

Time Required-

About 10 minutes

How to make oobleck without cornstarch?

  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the arrowroot flour and water. Start with 1 cup of water and gradually add more until you achieve the desired consistency. You want the mixture to be thick, but still pourable.

2. If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to the mixture. This can add a fun and vibrant element to your oobleck.

3. Mix the arrowroot flour and water together using a spoon or whisk. Continue mixing until the mixture becomes smooth and well combined. You may notice that the mixture becomes thicker as you mix it, which is normal.

4. Once the oobleck is well mixed, it is ready to be played with! You can pour it into a tray or container and let your imagination run wild. Oobleck has unique properties – it behaves like a liquid when poured, but becomes solid when pressure is applied.

So grab some Arrowroot starch, water, and food coloring (if desired) and embark on this exciting journey of making oobleck with your little ones. It’s a simple and enjoyable activity that will surely leave lasting memories and spark their curiosity about the world around them.

Read More: How To Make Cloud Dough

3. Oobleck Recipes With Tapioca Flour

Just in case you are looking to experiment and are wondering if there are any other oobleck recipes and how to make oobleck with flour then, this is what you are looking for. Not only is making oobleck a fun activity for kids and parents, but it also provides a learning opportunity. Through hands-on exploration, children can develop their fine motor skills, engage in sensory play, and gain an understanding of basic scientific principles.

To make oobleck using flour, you will need the following ingredients:

– 2 1/4 cup of Tapioca flour (available in the gluten-free section of grocery stores)

– 1 cup of water

– Food coloring (optional)

Time Required-

5-10 minutes

How to make oobleck with flour?

1. In a mixing bowl, combine the tapioca flour and water. Mix them together using a spoon or your hands until the flour is fully incorporated into the water. You may need to add more water or flour to achieve the desired consistency.

2. If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to the mixture. This will give your oobleck a fun and vibrant color. Stir the food coloring into the mixture until it is evenly distributed.

3. Once your oobleck is mixed, it should have a thick, gooey consistency. It should be easy to mold in your hands but also flow like a liquid when poured.

4. Play with your oobleck! You can pick it up and mold it into shapes, watch it flow between your fingers, or even try to walk on it. Oobleck has unique properties – it acts like a liquid when pressure is applied to it, but it behaves like a solid when left alone.

4. Oobleck Recipes Using Baking Soda

Looking for a fun science experiment to do with your kids or students? Look no further than oobleck, the amazing non-Newtonian fluid! Made with just a few simple ingredients, oobleck is a fascinating mixture that behaves in incredibly unique ways. In this article, we’ll give you a professional recipe for making oobleck using baking soda. Here’s how to make oobleck with baking soda-

Ingredients required:

– 1 cups of baking powder(or 4 tablespoon)

– 1 cup of baking soda (or 4 tablespoon)

– ½ cup Water

Time Required:

3-4 minutes

How to make oobleck using baking soda?

  1. As you have collected and kept together all the material, the first thing you have to do is take the half cup water and add baking powder in it. Mix the mixture for 45 seconds to 1 minute.
  2. Next, as you have mixed baking powder with water, add 4 tablespoon of baking soda in the mixture.
  3. Stir the mixture for about 2-3 minutes unless you see good consistency.
  4. Once you have mixed the ingredients thoroughly, you can begin to explore the unique properties of oobleck!

By following these easy oobleck recipes using baking soda, you can create a fascinating substance that will captivate both young and old. Not only will you have fun playing with oobleck, but you’ll also be introducing scientific concepts such as viscosity and non-Newtonian fluids. So grab your ingredients, get mixing, and prepare to be amazed by the wonders of oobleck!

5. Oobleck Recipes Using Baby Powder

We have another answer to your question of how to make oobleck without cornstarch. Well, here instead of cornstarch or any other flour, we are going to use baby powder to make oobleck.

To create oobleck using baby powder, you will need a few simple ingredients:

– ½ cup of water

– 1 cup of baby powder

– Food Coloring (Optional)

Time Required:

5 minutes

How to make oobleck with baby powder?

  1. Start by putting 1 cup of baby powder in the container that you want to use for making oobleck.
  2. Then, add ½ cup water into the same container. As you add the water, continue to mix the ingredients together. You may find it easier to use your hands to knead the mixture, as it can become quite thick. Keep adding water until the mixture reaches a consistency that is gooey and somewhat slimy, but still holds together.
  3. Once you have achieved the desired texture, your oobleck is ready to be played with! You can experiment with different colors by adding food coloring to the mixture or add glitter for a fun sparkle effect. Just remember that oobleck can be quite messy, so it’s a good idea to play with it on a covered surface or outside.

Enjoy exploring the unique properties of baby powder oobleck and have fun with this hands-on sensory experience!


  1. What is Oobleck?

Oobleck is a magical substance that’s commonly made with just two ingredients: cornstarch and water. Mix them together, and you’ll create a slimy, bouncy, and downright delightful concoction.

2. Why is oobleck a fun activity for kids?

Kids and adults love making oobleck because it’s a great way to learn about science while having fun. ! Oobleck is also known as a non-Newtonian fluid, which means it can behave like both a solid and a liquid depending on how you interact with it. You can roll it into a ball, squeeze it into a shape, or even run across it without sinking!

3. How to make oobleck without cornstarch?

Commonly, oobleck is made using cornstarch but if you are wondering of some other oobleck recipes then you can also make oobleck using arrowroot flour and water.

4. How to make oobleck using baking soda?

To make oobleck with baking soda, you need to have baking powder, baking soda and water. Start by mixing the baking powder with water for 45 seconds to 1 minute. Then add baking soda and mix them together until you achieve desired consistency.

5. Is oobleck solid or liquid?

Oobleck has the properties of both solid and liquid and that is why it is also known as non-Newtonian fluid.

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